Saturday, January 24, 2009

Getting attuned to the radio

Living in Buchman, where I'm pretty much surrounded by Anglos, I often forget that I'm living in Israel for extended periods of time. Until...I get in my car and turn on the radio. The radio is my wake-up call that I am here. Not just because its in Hebrew, though. Its because the taste in music is just plain old bad: every Hebrew song is sad and dreary and every English song is either a really old Beatles song, or a random one-hit-wonder like "mmm bop" by the Hanson brothers. Its because the DJ, a woman with a sultry voice, never lets people finish their sentences when she interviews them on-air. Its becauise they cut off the songs at the begining and end by just a few seconds- but enough to totally ruin a listening experience. Its because the traffic reports every hour of every day don't change: the road from J-lem to Tel Aviv is ALWAYS backed up, and by the way, theres no other way to go, so why bother reporting it altogether? When I get tired of listening to the music station, I flip to the news station, hoping at least I'll improve my Hebrew and learn about the world. I unfailingly have to turn up the volume to make out what this mumbler of a reporter is saying. Ok, maybe he's not mumbling after all, I just don't understand a word he's saying, which again reminds me that I'm in Israel.

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